Children Sponsorship & Training Program Gabura, Sathkhira

This project is located in a remote area named Dumuria near Shundarban.   The cyclone Sidr left the people of Dumuria devastated. So far, NABIC supported to establish 10 ponds for pure drinking water with a filter system. In addition, this project is supporting approximately 250 children with 1050 taka monthly giving cash and providing school supplies and doctor visits.
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Community building

Dusto Meyeder Nirapod Ashram o Punarbashion Kendra (DMNAPK)/ Safe Home and Rehabilitation Center for Destitute Girls (” The Safe home”)

DMNAPK (Safe home), located in Masterbari, Gazipur this houses about 50 destitute girls, many of whom are orphans between the ages of 5 and 18. In addition to regular education, the girls at the safe home are trained in computer skills, cooking, cleaning, making clothes and in the health care field in an on-site Free Medical Clinic. Since 2003, NABIC has contributed $186K for the project.

  • A resident of 52 girls aged between 5-18 years, already committed to expanding the building to accommodate another 100 girls.
  • NABIC provides $50/month to sponsor a girl.
  • NABIC has established a computer literacy center in 2018.
  • 2 days/week family health clinic where free medical care is provided to approx. 60 patients (Children and adults) per day
  • Cost per visit ~ $3.
  • The plan is being made to organize Periodic Eye camp at the center